16ème Biennale internationale de la céramique – Châteauroux
Clouds field no 1037
7 clouds, total 45 x 130 x 80 cm
Photo Ole Akhøj

KIAF 2011, Korea International Art Fair Seoul
Galerie Maria Lund
Blue white cloud no 1116, 38 x 55 x 45 cm

On wall: Why, by Peter Martensen

Blue white cloud no 1117, 34 x 56 x 50 cm

The Gyeonggi International Ceramix Biennale 2011
Icheon, South Korea
Pink Clouds Field no 1036
30 clouds, total 42 x 165 x 75 cm
Photo: Ole Akhøj

The 6th GICBiennale and 10 days workshop September 2011, Icheon, South Korea
Photo: Paulina Gomez Riebeling

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